Clotilde Verwaerde is Associate Professor in the Department of Music at the Université Paris 8. Her research focuses on harmonic theory and the accompaniment practices for keyboard instruments in the repertoires of vocal and instrumental chamber music between 1700 and 1850, particularly the piano sonata with accompaniment and romances. Her thesis, successfully defended in 2015, was supervised by Jean-Pierre Bartoli at the Université Paris IV-Sorbonne. She contributes to undergraduate teaching on the analysis, history, and aesthetics of music from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. She was part of a project on the history of public music teaching in France (HEMEF) funded by the national research council (ANR) and led by Cécile Reynaud. Since 2023, she has co-edited the music analysis journal Musurgia.
Her own musical practice is centred on historically informed interpretation: she completed a master’s degree in harpsicord taught by Bob van Asperen at the Amsterdam Conservatoire and a bachelor’s degree in fortepiano taught by Bart van Oort at the Koninklijk Conservatorium in The Hague. In 2003, she was awarded first prize in the Paola Bernardi Harpsichord Competition in Bologna.
Peer Reviewed Articles
« Les chiffrages d’accords en France au xviiie siècle : ambiguïtés et systématisation », in Musurgia, vol. XXX/1, 2023, p. 35-56.
« La pédalisation au pianoforte et la pratique de l’accompagnement des romances françaises vers 1800 », in Musurgia, vol. XXII/3-4, 2015, p. 5-23.
Published Talks
« Les arrangements des opéras de Grétry. Politiques éditoriales et stratégies musicales, in Produits dérivés et économie des spectacles lyriques en France (xviie-xviiie siècle) sous la direction de Marie Demeilliez et Thomas Soury, European Drama and Performance Studies, 2024/1, no 22, p. 165-194.
« The Three-voice Texture in Eighteenth-Century French Continuo », in Figured Bass Accompaniment in Europe, vol. 2, édité par Livio Ticli, Turnhout, Brepols, 2023, p. 21-40.
« From Continuo Methods to Harmony Treatises. Reorientation of the Educational Goals in France (1700-1850) », in Musiktheorie im 19. Jahrhundert. 11. Jahreskongress der Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie, édité par Martin Skamletz, Michael Lehner et Stephan Zirwes, Schliengen, Argus, 2017, p. 322-333.
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« M. P. G. de Chabanon et le violon, un amateur au Parnasse », M. P. G. de Chabanon de l’homme de lettre au compositeur, Revue Musicorum, n° 19, 2017, p. 211-226.
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